Losing a Hand Didn’t Stop Her: CA Ritu Sharma’s Inspiring Journey

by | Last updated Oct 16, 2023 at 6:43PM | Entrepreneur Story | 0 comments

Losing a Hand Didn't Stop Her CA Ritu Sharma's Inspiring Journey
Meet CA Ritu Sharma, whose life took a turn after losing her hand at 18. But she didn't let adversity define her. From working in Dubai, traveling globally, to being a leading finance expert in India, Ritu's story is an inspiration. Learn how determination, right choices, and a positive spirit can redefine success
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Key highlights:

  • CA Ritu Sharma, a renowned Chartered Accountant, has not only excelled in her profession but also has an inspiring personal journey.
  • Despite losing her right hand at 18, she showcased unparalleled resilience, refusing to let her circumstances define her.
  • Her momentum of success, as highlighted in the quote, reflects how she transformed adversity into an opportunity.
  • With global exposure, having worked in Dubai and traveled widely, she is now a sought-after finance professional in India.
  • Her story emphasizes the power of a positive mindset, facing challenges head-on, and the importance of making the right choices in life.
  • Ritu’s life serves as a testament that obstacles can be turned into stepping stones with determination and a positive outlook.
  • Here is her story of how making the ‘Right Choice’ surrounding challenges helped her. 

 Also Read: CA Gopal Maheshwari’s journey from EY auditor to leading his firm.

At just 18 years of age, Ritu Sharma faced a life-changing event.

Living in Delhi, India, she hailed from a traditional family that prioritized hard work and responsibility. They instilled in her the importance of understanding others and putting herself in their shoes.

Ritu was always full of ambition. She had dreams and aspirations. However, life had an unexpected turn in store for her.

On October 3, 2006, a grave accident occurred. To save her life following this accident, the medical team decided to amputate her right hand. Imagine waking up, expecting to be on the road to recovery, only to discover a part of you is missing. That’s what happened to Ritu. She found out about her amputation the next morning when she woke up. The shock and realization of not having her right hand were overwhelming. “It was terrifying,” she shared.

The anguish was immense. She yelled out in sheer desperation. The fear of facing society, the thought of living the rest of her life differently, and the challenges that lay ahead were daunting.

Being young and full of dreams, she felt this incident might have ended her aspirations. However, there’s a saying that acceptance is the key to handling situations beyond one’s control.

Ritu’s journey wasn’t just about overcoming physical loss but also about mental resilience. She had to relearn many of life’s basic tasks, from writing to doing daily chores. But more than that, she had to rebuild her self-confidence and self-worth. She had to convince herself that she was still the ambitious girl from Delhi who could achieve anything she set her mind to.

Over time, with support, determination, and a never-give-up attitude, Ritu not only learned to adapt to her new circumstances but also rediscovered her ambition. The experience taught her about her inner strength and the endless possibilities life offers, even in the face of challenges.

In the end, Ritu Sharma’s story serves as an inspiration to all. It reminds us that obstacles, no matter how big, can be overcome with determination, acceptance, and a positive attitude.

“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. Whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” – CA Ritu Sharma

Growing up, Ritu Sharma always heard a saying from her mother, “First we make our choices. Then our choices make us.” This advice was more than just words; it was a life lesson. Her mother wanted her to understand that our decisions shape our destiny. Making the right decisions, even when it’s tough, can lead us to a brighter path.

An unexpected accident left Ritu without her right hand. Such a devastating event could break anyone’s spirit, but she remembered her mother’s words. Instead of letting grief and self-pity take over, Ritu realized that she wouldn’t be helping herself or her family, particularly her father, by simply feeling sorry for herself.

Determined, she chose to rise above her circumstances. She decided to confront her new reality head-on and made a promise to herself to excel in whatever she pursued. This decision wasn’t a light one, and her journey wasn’t easy. Ritu was now in a situation where she had to work twice as hard as others to achieve her goals.

She became familiar with the concept of “THE LAW OF PAYING THE PRICE”. It’s an idea that to achieve something, one must put in the necessary effort and be persistent. Quitting or taking the easy way out was not in Ritu’s dictionary.

While recovering in the hospital for three months, Ritu started regaining her spirit. Many visitors came to see her, expecting to find a disheartened young woman. Instead, they were met with her infectious positivity. Friends and family who entered her hospital room with a heavy heart and sorrowful expressions left with a smile, inspired by Ritu’s strength and optimism.

Her zest for life was evident. Not only was she healing physically, but she was also showing everyone around her the power of a positive attitude and determination.

Throughout her journey, Ritu embodied her mother’s wisdom. Her choice to embrace her new reality, to work hard, and to remain positive in the face of adversity indeed shaped her. It turned her into an inspiration for many.

In life, everyone faces challenges, but it’s our response to those challenges that define us. Ritu Sharma’s story is a testament to this. By choosing resilience over despair and hard work over surrender, she showcased the incredible power of human spirit and determination.

Her tale reminds us that, just as her mother said, our choices shape our destiny. It’s up to us whether we let challenges break us or whether we rise above them, making choices that lead us to a brighter, better future.

But what next?

Rising Above: CA Ritu Sharma’s Journey of Rediscovery

Ritu Sharma’s life took a sudden twist after her accident. As challenging as it was to come to terms with her new reality, an even bigger challenge lay ahead: relearning everyday tasks. For most, tasks like writing, eating, or dressing up are second nature. But for Ritu, these became mountains she had to climb.

With her right hand gone, Ritu started the task of mastering the use of her left hand. She began with writing. At first, it was a struggle, with every letter and every word requiring immense concentration. But each day, with consistent practice, she saw improvement. Over time, her left-handed script became clearer, and the simple act of writing turned into one of her greatest victories.

Yet, Ritu’s journey was not just about relearning physical tasks; it was also an emotional roller coaster. Amidst her strong exterior was a heart that did feel pain. She wasn’t immune to moments of doubt or feelings of inadequacy. There were times when she questioned her worth and felt engulfed by sadness.

But what stood out in Ritu’s character was her resilience. Despite the lows, she never let herself stay down for long. Each time she stumbled, she picked herself up, dusted off the pain, and faced the world with renewed vigor. Her spirit was unyielding, always pushing forward.

It was this combination of grit, perseverance, and optimism that saw Ritu through the toughest times. Her ability to bounce back, time and time again, became a beacon of hope for those around her. While her challenges were unique, the lessons she taught were universal. Life will have its ups and downs, but with determination, one can overcome any obstacle.


“If it happens according to your wish, it is good.  If it doesn’t, it’s even better. Because it is God’s wish.” – CA Ritu Sharma

Ritu Sharma: From Adversity to Achievement

Life has a way of moving forward, no matter what obstacles we face. And for Ritu Sharma, despite the enormous challenges she encountered after her accident, she refused to be stagnant. She learned, adapted, and with every passing day, life slowly returned to a semblance of normalcy.

Completing her graduation was a significant milestone, but Ritu always hungered for more. Her school days harbored dreams of becoming a Chartered Accountant (CA) – a prestigious profession in India. While many chase this dream straight after school, Ritu had to postpone her ambitions due to familial reasons.

Two years after her graduation, in 2008, the flame of her dream reignited. She thought, “Why should I let go of my dream of becoming a CA?” Discussing this with her family and friends led to a mixed response. The CA journey is notorious for being long and arduous. Many believed that given Ritu’s circumstances, this path might be twice as challenging.

Yet, among the voices of doubt, there was one of faith. A close friend told her, “You can do it, Ritu. At least give it a try!” These words were all the push she needed. With a renewed spirit, Ritu enrolled for the CA course.

With determination, she aced the first two levels on her first try, an achievement that brought pride to her family and made her an inspiration to many CA aspirants. As she prepared for her CA Finals, Ritu was full of hope and ambition. She intended to clear this final hurdle on her first go. However, life had another curveball to throw.

Several issues prevented her from sitting for a few attempts, leading to one of her lowest phases. Her dreams seemed distant, almost unattainable. Yet, her indomitable spirit refused to surrender. She stayed steadfast, kept her eye on the prize, and persevered.

Her hard work and persistence finally paid off in November 2014. Ritu Sharma cleared the Chartered Accountancy exams, achieving the coveted title of a Chartered Accountant. This wasn’t just a personal victory; it was a triumph for her entire family. Ritu’s journey was testament to the power of resilience, dreams, and the will to keep pushing forward, no matter the odds.

A New Horizon: CA Ritu Sharma’s Dubai Adventure

For many in conservative families like Ritu Sharma’s, stepping out of the familial nest is a rare venture, reserved primarily for marriage. Moving abroad for work, away from the familiar comforts of home, was a concept so alien that it hadn’t even made its way into Ritu’s dreams. Yet, life’s unpredictable nature meant that sometimes, the unimaginable becomes reality.

By the end of 2014, after navigating through numerous personal and professional challenges, Ritu felt an urge for change, an escape from her familiar surroundings in Delhi. So, when she earned her CA title in January 2015, her gaze wasn’t limited to India. Her vision reached far and wide, settling on the shimmering horizon of Dubai.

Dubai, a melting pot of cultures and a haven for expatriates, was renowned for its lucrative job opportunities. With determination, Ritu embarked on this new journey. Researching, networking, and tirelessly searching for job openings, her hard work bore fruit. Within a few months, she had job offers in her hand.

April 29th, 2015 marked the beginning of Ritu’s Dubai chapter. With her employment visa secured, she arrived in this sprawling desert metropolis with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The initial days were filled with learning, adapting, and exploring a city that was starkly different from Delhi. Yet, the vibrant energy of Dubai and its welcoming arms ensured that it wasn’t long before the city felt like a second home to Ritu.

Four years whizzed by, during which Ritu saw immense professional growth. Climbing up the corporate ladder, she earned two promotions in her first role in Corporate Finance, gaining deep insights into international financing and sourcing. Yet, the ever-ambitious Ritu yearned for more.

Her eyes were set on the giants of the financial world – multinational banks, global non-banking financial companies, and other leading financial institutions. It was during this quest that an opportunity beckoned, not from Dubai but from India. A role in Finance Planning & Analysis with the second-largest bank in the US was on the horizon, opening yet another chapter in Ritu’s thrilling professional journey.

Ritu Sharma’s tale is more than just a career journey. It’s a testament to breaking barriers, defying societal expectations, and embracing the unknown with open arms.


Interacting with Differently- Abled Individuals: A Perspective

Having lived with a disability for over 15 years by 2022, she’s encountered a wide spectrum of reactions. The most common among them? Sympathy. Many utter a soft, “I’m sorry,” or offer a look of pity when they notice her condition. But she has a message for all: “We do not look for sympathy.”

To sympathize often means to feel sorry for someone. But when these feelings are projected onto a differently-abled individual, it only deepens the divide, emphasizing their differences rather than their capabilities. As she rightly points out, “Not all sympathy seekers are disabled, and not all disabled people are sympathy seekers.”

Perception plays a pivotal role. If a differently-abled person begins to see themselves through the lens of sympathy and pity others project, they can internalize those feelings. This can reinforce any insecurities or feelings of inadequacy they might have. In reality, a physical disability doesn’t inherently limit one’s potential or capacity to achieve their aspirations.

When you encounter a differently-abled person, the goal shouldn’t be to convey pity. Instead, aim for understanding, respect, and positivity. A kind word, an uplifting statement, or simple acknowledgment of their strengths can make a world of difference.

By reframing our interactions, we can help create a more inclusive and supportive world where every individual, regardless of their physical condition, feels empowered and valued for who they are, not defined by their disability.

 Also Read: Building an Audit and Tax Firm in Dubai? Don’t Overlook These Essential Insights

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